Remember those weave poles I was going to make for the Collies?
Then the car broke down and we were stranded for awhile?
(You can refresh your memory here!)
Well… after that the weave poles were kind of forgotten about for a little while.
But then they were remembered about just long enough for me to spend ages and ages at Home Depot with two Collies and my Mom.
Home Depot, Jan. 22 2013 (yes, I had those PVC pipes lying around for three months, whoops)
“Gimme that treat.”
Then the weather went back and forth between being snowy, muddy and warm. So the PVC pipes laid around, gathering dust, for a few months.
Until a few weeks ago, when the weather was nice and had been consistently, then my Mom and I finally got around to cutting the PVC pipe into appropriate sizes.
Then it snowed.
But over this past weekend the weather was lovely and I was ready to finally get these weave poles finished.
Completely finished.
Saturday my Dad drilled holes in the PVC pipe caps so I could thread the stakes through them. I wanted to stake these weave poles into the ground rather than making a base for them for two reasons:
1) My first set of weave poles had a base made of PVC pipe and that worked out perfectly at our old home where we had a garage and a basement to stash them in when the wind got insane. However, once we moved to our current location, with no garage and no basement, the weave poles blew away long before Petal even arrived. Hopefully these ones won’t be going anywhere.
2) I think (and, again, hope) this will make them easier to pack up and move with.

My brother and Mom helped me hammer the stakes + bottom caps into the ground, then we added the poles + another cap on top, and some blue tape for visibility.
Voilà! Finally finished!

There are a total of 12 poles.
Petal is already practicing (so is Lassie and even Penny, but I don’t have any pictures of them).

At first I could tell by the look on her face that she thought I had gone completely nutty, but she’s already starting to grasp what’s going on here and I think she’s starting to have fun with it.
Weave pole tutorial can be found here.