Two sparkly clean dogs.
She saw the shampoo and conditioner and my other grooming supplies and knew just what I was up to.
“Oh no, that bath is for me, isn’t it?”
“Maybe if I sit and look really cute you’ll change your mind!”
Then Saturday afternoon Dirty Petal got a bath. Her coat is so fluffy, soft and vibrant now.
“Why am I in this tub? I thought you LIKED the smell of dirty dog!”
“Yeah, like getting me wet is going to help the smell.”
Ella is by far the easiest dog to bathe (though I’m sure you could’ve guessed that), so she usually gets her bath first. Then Petal’s bath is followed a day or two later and then Lassie’s bath takes place a few days after that. I like to save him for last, because he takes the longest (so so long, haha) and once I’m done with him, I’m done giving dog baths for a few months. So if the girls don’t get their baths first, they won’t get them for a long time.
As far as behavior goes, they’re all extremely easy to bathe.
Especially when I’m armed with treats. ;]
But even without treats they’re all really good and they stand nice and still. Though that fourth Kong did come in handy when it came time to blow dry Petal! My dogs love to play with the blow dryer— which is cute, but not helpful— and a Kong kept her busy and distracted.
And now I’ve got two silky soft and shiny dogs!
“I suppose that bath was worth it. Just look at me!”
“No, look at me! I’m prettier than a super model!”
I just love freshly bathed dogs.
Lassie’s next. ;]
Easter 2012
Preparing for Easter
“Why are we doing this, Ella?”
“Because, Petal! This Sunday the Easter Bunny is coming and this time, we’re gonna be ready.”
“Are you sure we should be harming poor little bunnies, Ella?”
“This bunny we’re practicing on may be harmless, but the Easter Bunny? That’s one mean, evil, conniving little bunny! He terrifies children and forces them to search for his eggs! Bunnies don’t even LAY eggs!”
“But wait, Ella! Before you hurt him, I heard the humans saying something about the Easter Bunny leaving candy! We like candy!”
“He leaves CHOCOLATE, Petal! POISON!”
“Give me the bunny, Ella! When will you ever learn that it’s all just for fun and games for the humans? The Easter Bunny won’t cause any harm. Stop filling Petal’s head with nonsense!”
Happy Saturday! Have a lovely Easter Sunday, keep those chocolate bunnies out of your pet’s reach!
They’re poison I tell you! Poison!
I, however, will be eating as many as I can get my hands on.
Suspicious package…

But this package smelled rather suspicious to her…
What’s this bottle for?
“It’s shampoo, Petal! Not food!”
The dogs got some new shampoo.
What could this mean?!
P.S. Can’t say I blame Petal for trying to taste it. It smells amazing.
P.P.S. I added the Chipin widget for Daffy’s Fundraiser to the right side of my blog (no, you’re not crazy, I did move that sidebar over to the right) for those of you who are willing and able to help but don’t want to/can’t make a purchase from The Barkers Dozen.
Thanks to anyone who can help! :]
Running shots
Enjoy. :]
Wordless Wednesday: If my dogs were horses.
In the form of promoting and letting you all know about a wonderful fundraiser that’s been brought to my attention.
The Barkers Dozen (an organic and eco-friendly dog treat company based in Chicopee, Massachusetts) has launched a fundraiser for a beautiful rescue dog in need, Daffy. Daffy is currently suffering from a mysterious, undiagnosed disease and The Barkers Dozen has put together a fundraiser to help Daffy get the care she needs.
Through the month of April, 50% of profits made from treat sales at The Barkers Dozen will go to Daffy and her owner Ingrid.
Plus, if you use the promo code “DAFFY” at checkout, you’ll get a special thank you gift!
You can read more about the fundraiser here: “Dollars for Daffy” Fundraiser Launched
You can read more about Daffy here: Barkers Buddy: Daffy
And you can purchase some treats from The Barkers Dozen here: The Barkers Dozen
Now is a great time to get some goodies for your dogs! ;]
Now back to being wordless.
Making treats in just 500 easy steps!
There aren’t 500 steps.
But today I did make the dogs some treats.
See how amazing it looks?
Too bad it doesn’t taste amazing. At all.
But the dogs enjoy it.
Step 5: Add desired amount of peanut butter.
This you can eat!
Step 6: Mix it all up!
Step 7: Add apple slices! Or whatever fruit your dog enjoys. Just so long as it isn’t grapes or raisins.
Step 8: Start spooning it into a Kong!
Step 9: As you’re filling the second Kong, remember about the honey that you forgot and quickly add that in! Mix it up and pretend like you never forgot about it.
Step 10: Place Kongs in freezer, because frozen treats take a little longer to devour and thus they keep your dog busy longer. ;]
And no, I have no idea who will get that fourth Kong…
Step 11: Look at this face and tell him he can’t have them yet because they need to freeze first.
Then let him lick the bowl clean because you feel guilty for denying the poor starving Collie some food.
Then when the girls get jealous, you’ll have to let them lick the spoons clean.
Leave the treats in the freezer long enough to get good and frozen. Then pull them out when the dogs are destroying the house or have worked themselves up into a barking frenzy because the wind blew a tumble weed down the street. Or maybe you just got back from a walk or playing outside and your dog needs to cool off. They’ll have a tasty, distracting, and cold treat and you’ll have a few minutes of peace. ;]