For those of you who may be new here, Ella is my lab mix, my second dog of my very own, who passed away far too young in August of 2012. Just as I am grateful for having known Lassie … Continue reading
For those of you who may be new here, Ella is my lab mix, my second dog of my very own, who passed away far too young in August of 2012. Just as I am grateful for having known Lassie … Continue reading
Sometimes bribery works, and other times she just looks like a treat-crazed monster.
But yesterday, yesterday she was in a very mellow mood and I was able to snatch some good pictures of her.
Much to the Collies’ dismay.
something like this pops up in the frame:
A jealous Collie butt belonging to Petal.
She’s not the only one who will demean oneself by stooping to such drastic measures for a little camera time. Oh no.
A few sweet pictures later, and…
this face will appear in the frame…
“That’s enough! We need some pictures of ME!”
While we all love seeing your handsome face, Lassie (and your adorable fox-like butt, Petal), we love seeing pretty Ella, too!
Even when she ends up with debris on her head.
So, a week ago, the dogs celebrated like this…
Like, for example, the way Lassie and Petal wrestle is very different from the way Petal and Ella wrestle or even the way Lassie and Ella wrestle (if you can call it wrestling).
Petal often gets her butt kicked by Ella in the wrestling department. Ella will smack her down to the ground and they’ll wrestle and wrestle and then break off into a run (which Petal starts because Ella gets too intense for her sometimes).
Lassie and Ella don’t wrestle much anymore. Their wrestling matches consist more of Lassie sunbathing and Ella coming up and smacking him until he gets annoyed and then she runs off, hoping he’ll chase her, and sometimes he does.
Though Lassie won’t wrestle Ella anymore, he will wrestle Petal. Why? Ella’s style is too rough. Petal’s style is much more like Lassie’s, so he prefers to wrestle with her. Lassie and Petal don’t pin each other to the ground, ever. But pinning Petal to the ground is Ella’s favorite move. Lassie and Petal’s wrestling matches are also considerably more moderate than Ella’s. And, in a way, they’re more graceful too.
But they’re also louder, because they like to trash talk each other. 😉
These pictures are about a month old, but this is how it’s done. 😉
Petal likes to wrap her front paws around Lassie’s neck and bite at his ears and mane. Then when he bites back, she leaps away and runs a circle as he nips at her. Then they nip at each other’s faces and bonk their long noses together (I call this sword fighting, haha). They bark, they nip at each other’s feet, they duck out of the way, they jump back, they run a circle and come back for more. It usually ends in a high speed chase around the yard and then it’s over and onto the next game. They won’t go at for ages on end like Ella likes to do. With my Collies, they like to play a few different games during their play sessions outside and nearly all of their games involve me in some way. Ella is the opposite. She’ll play one game (wrestle, chase, or fetch) until she’s tired and then she digs (of course) and the only game she needs me for is fetch (unless we’re playing indoors, then she does like to play tug with me).
It’s fun to see how different they each are. Even Lassie and Petal, being the same breed, are much different from each other. And even though Ella’s our resident mutt and mystery dog, she has some things in common with Lassie and Petal.
What about your dogs? How do they like to play with other dogs? What’s their favorite game to play with other dogs?
Weather, I don’t know if you realize this, but… it’s April.
When I said “April showers bring May flowers” the other day, I meant RAIN showers not snow showers!
We’re not so sure about this.
Normally we love snow, but lately we’ve been enjoying some really lovely spring weather and the snow just sabotaged it!
“This is getting old.”
Petal seems to be pretty happy with it though. She was bouncing around in it this morning.
Ella is not a happy dog. She’s tired of this cold weather and this snow!
“Aaahhh! The frozen white fluff is back! Let me in!”
When I went out to get the Collies after their morning potty break I found Lassie like this:
One of his eyebrows was made of snow!
“This isn’t fun anymore. Let me in!”
“I know I was excited before, but… my nose is frozen!”
Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is warmer than ours!