Today we are participating in the Wordless Wednesday blog hop hosted by BlogPaws.
Tag Archives: penny
We chose snow over breakfast
Last night and this morning we finally got the snow Petal and I wanted. We woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland (pictured above is our early morning view of our front yard (up to the two trees, then it’s the road and then our neighbor’s yard starts at the fence)). Normally when we first wake up we get breakfast and then we wait a few hours before we do anything active, to avoid upset tummies or bloat. But this morning was different. This morning we were excited about the snow. Too excited for breakfast. So we bundled up and ran outside. The only logical thing to do.
See the flakes in front of Petal’s face? Yup, it was snowing pretty heavily when we ran out there at 7:30 this morning.
Snow on her nose, whiskers, face and body.
“And in my eyes too!”
“Seriously. IN my eye!”
We played out there, just the two of us, for a little while before we trekked back inside for breakfast.
A few hours later, around 11 AM, we went back outside with my sister’s dog Penny and the two of them let loose.
You see how Petal’s paw is raised and Penny appears to have no head?
Yeah, don’t mess with Petal, she’ll knock your head off. 😉
They played nonstop for 30+ minutes, racing around the yard, wrestling each other, sneaking up on each other, barking at the neighbors and just having a blast.
Which made for one very happy Petal dog!
Today we’re joining the FitDog Friday blog hop for the first time. Thanks to the hosts Slimdoggy, Peggy’s Pet Palace and To Dog With Love.
New Toys and a Training Bra
Over the holidays Kol’s Notes and many other fantastic blogs hosted an Advent Calendar with 24 days of giveaways. We entered these fun giveaways and were lucky enough to walk away with a prize!
We won two Unbreakoballs and they just arrived about two hours ago. One regular sized and one large sized. Like REALLY large. It’s awesome.
I entered to win this particular prize with my sister’s dog Penny in mind. She’s a ball fanatic and incredibly destructive.
Here she is, super excited about her prize (or the treats in my pocket, who knows ;))
She’s actually a little leery of the larger ball, but by the end of our playtime outside she was warming up to it. She loves the smaller ball and is still trying to figure out how to pick it up.
These balls are thick, sturdy, and a bit heavy. I think they’re definitely going to be impossible for Penny to destroy! Which is great, because she only had two toys of her very own before, now she’s got four. 😉
The balls are also made in the USA! How great is that?
Here are both of the girls posing with them, because Petal wants to be included, even though she couldn’t care less about these giant orange balls.
Thank you to Unbreakoball and the hosts of the Advent Calendar! Penny is very happy to have some more toys to play with and we’re all happy she can’t chew them apart and then swallow them. 😉
Now for a little Throwback. I had a whole other post ready for this, but… it took a really sad turn. I’m saving it for another day. Maybe.
Instead I’ll do a silly throwback.
Throwback to Petal’s first training bra!
5 months old and wearing her first training bra! ;P
We’re joining the Throwback Thursday blog hop hosted by Dolly the Doxie and DOGthusiast.
We’re also joining the new Barks and Bytes blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.

(Dobby image source)Â
They’re identical! ;P
My parents have been calling her Dobby.
“Dobby want a sock?” Mom says. Penny licks her face.
I’m sure you’re all probably wondering why she’s still here.
Penny will be staying indefinitely. My sister wants to keep her.
It’s a long story that doesn’t belong on this blog. 😉 But basically: Penny needed a new home, we were going to find that new home until Sister #2 said she wanted to keep her and would take care of her.
And that’s that.Dobby Penny will stay.
Might be nice to have a house-elf around.
Brought to you by Penny and Petal!
Penny still holds Petal’s tail in order to keep up.
Penny is also learning ballet!
(She’s also working on gaining a few more pounds).
Petal uses her Sonic Bark!
I’ll leave you all with one last picture…
Happy Nightmares.
(Petal looks like that because Penny just chomped on her booty, just in case you were wondering).
Wordless Wednesday: Faster than fast
Review: Maqnifiscent Grooming and Finishing Splash

It’s summer time, a time for swimming and carnivals and cotton candy.
Delicious cotton candy.
I don’t know about you, but I think cotton candy smells amazing. So sweet and pleasant.
More things should smell like cotton candy.
For example, Collies.
Collies should smell like cotton candy.
Today we’re reviewing Maqnifiscent Grooming and Finishing Splash in the Cotton Candy scent.
Yes, my dogs smell like cotton candy.
Maqnifiscent Grooming and Finishing Splash comes in many different unique scents such as Dark Chocolate, Raspberry Bubble Gum, Pina Colada and others. They even offer custom* fragrances!
Here’s what they have to say about their product:
“Maqnifiscent Grooming & Finishing Splash is a non-toxic multi-purpose unisex formula that has been designed to keep your pet and home smelling Maqnifiscent. This product instantly eliminates odors and conditions and detangles your pet’s coat while keeping your loved one fresh between baths. Our preparation contains a long-lasting, non-sticky, first of its kind, scratch-n-smell formula that is immediately reactivated when you comfort your pet or they rub themselves. All of our fragrances are alcohol and paraben free. It can be used as often as necessary.”
You can read a little more about the company here.
When I was first contacted about this product I had my doubts about it’s scratch-n-smell ability. I was worried about what would go into this bottle to give it such an ability. But according to their FAQ page all their splashes are made up of “… a food-grade based gelatin, water, and Virgin Coconut Oil which conditions the skin while keeping the coat shiny.”
Love. It.

“I resent that. I do not smell.”
We give Maqnifiscent Grooming and Finishing Splash 5 out of 5 hearts for their wonderful cotton candy fragrance and effectiveness.
4 hearts for their excellent prices.
And the dogs give it 4 out of 4 paws up for being gentle on their skin and not sticky in their fur.
We really love this spray. Go check them out here and tell them we sent you! 😉
*When ordering custom fragrances, they require that you order two bottles minimum.
Discloser: I was sent one bottle of Maqnifiscent Grooming and Finishing Splash free of charge for review. I was not paid or otherwise encouraged to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own based on my experience with the product.

It’s a rainy day today, so we’re trapped inside.
As you can see silly things happen when we’re trapped inside. My little sister had fun messing with Petal’s face while I had fun taking pictures.
Petal is very patient, incase you hadn’t noticed. 😉
I could use a little more patience today. My laptop, after serving me faithfully for nearly seven years, may have finally bit the dust. It won’t charge anymore and it makes funny noises when you open it.
Neither one are good signs, I’m thinking.
So I downloaded the Blogger app and a few photo editing apps onto my iPod Touch. The Blogger app is lame. Why can’t I center the content of my post? (“But Marquie! This post IS centered!” you say; I’ll explain in just a moment). And why must you do such a crummy job of resizing my picture?
So I downloaded the Photobucket app, hoping I could resize the above image there.
I have yet to figure it out.
After growling at my iPod many, many times, I finally took up my sister’s offer to borrow her laptop. She even made me my own account.
I know. She’s awesome.
So here I am. Praise be the laptop.
The rain hail is pouring, pouring, pouring now!Good thing I made Kongs this morning. Lassie, Petal and Penny can only nap for so long.Just kidding. It’s done now… for now.
That’s Utah for you.