Walking in the rain

This morning when we woke for our walk, we found it was lightly raining.
But we figured, since this is Utah and all, that it would probably only rain for another five to ten minutes or so.
It wasn’t too hot or too cold.
So we took advantage of that and went for our walk.
Of course it didn’t rain hard, but we got pretty wet anyway!
And oh so muddy!
It was wonderful!

At first the Collies weren’t so sure about this walking in the rain business.
“Get our fur wet? You’re joking, right?”
But then they realized it wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was nice and cool and refreshing!
Lassie played more than he usually does with Petal. She loved that.

We came home with two muddy and soggy Collies. Our bone dry and squeaky clean Mutt sure was happy she stayed home!

With the unfamiliar weather and the slight change in our walking routine (we usually walk the trail and then turn around and go back the way we came, but today we walked the trail and then went out onto the road and walked around the block instead (to get away from the slippery mud)), Petal was much more alert and would respond to me at the drop of a dime.
It made for one of those moments where you realize all your hard work with training really paid off.

Petal kept so busy on the trail. Everything smells stronger and different when wet! She loved sniffing everything.

“Alright, time for breakfast!”

We came home, dried the Collies, fed them breakfast, washed their muddy paws, and now they’re napping.
I think I might join them. 😉

Have a lovely weekend!


Mine! All mine!

Think your dog loves his/her dog food?
Well Lassie is sure that no dog has ever loved their food as much as he loves his.
Lassie says he’s willing to lay down his life for his food.
Don’t believe him?
Well, you’ll see for yourself.
But first, a little background on the subject.
Usually we order our dog food online for the price and the connivence, plus I can’t get a 40 pound bag of the food I feed anywhere in town.
So our dog food comes to the front door and Petal is always there to receive it and guard it away from Lassie and Ella.
May 2011
She’ll even open the package at times!

“Ooohhh, fooood!”

Petal has come to the firm belief that it is her job to guard any and all packages that smell like food until I have had the chance to put them away.
So naturally, when the food arrived yesterday, Petal went straight to work on guarding it.


Yesterday was a little different though, because yesterday Lassie decided that enough was enough. It was his food too and gosh darn it! HE was going to be the one to guard it!

So, ignoring Petal’s protests, Lassie climbed on top of the food and, figuring he may as well make himself comfortable risking his life, he laid his body across it to protect it.

“I’d like to see you try and get past me to take this food, Petal!”


These dogs crack me up.


I think they might be addicted to their dog food.
Is there a support group for that?

Happy Saturday, everyone!
Have a lovely weekend!

Note: This blog post is not an endorsement, though it may seem that way. I was not asked nor paid to write this post. My dogs are just ridiculously obsessed with their food and I couldn’t resist sharing these pictures to prove it. 😉


Just so we’re clear…

I may have been bragging about how well behaved Petal was the other day, but she doesn’t want you guys going and getting the wrong idea or anything.
She’s not a perfect angel ALL the time.
A dog has got to have some fun after all.
So this is Petal. On crack.
Not really, but she was being crazy last night and that’s not even the half of it, honestly.
This video is actually pretty mellow considering how wild she was last night. She was barking, digging at the bed, rolling around on it, snapping at moving feet, etc. She always calmed down when I pointed the camera at her though, but when I turned it off, she’d go crazy again.
And now I’m off to take her for a good walk/run, to ensure we don’t have that same crazy Collie on our hands again tonight. 😉
Happy Saturday! Have a lovely weekend!

Lots of pictures. Seriously, lots.

If you don’t feel like scrolling through loads of pictures, you won’t like today’s blog post.
But if you LOVE to scroll through lots of pictures, uninterrupted by words of any sort, then you’ll LOVE today’s blog post!
The following are pictures are from the trail from earlier in the week.

Happy Saturday!
Have a lovely weekend!


Fun and Games Equals a Sleepy Collie

What’s the best part about playing fetch with a brand new ball?
Is it how cute it is?

“Look at this new ball, Petal, it smiles at you!”

Or how yummy it smells? (Or tastes.)

“Mmm, nom nom nom, it tastes good, too! Like vanilla!”

Or is it how much your dog enjoys it?

“Hey! Come back here, ball! I wasn’t done tasting you!”

Or maybe it’s the sleepy dog you earn after a fun game of fetch.


Or maybe it’s all of the above. ;]

Happy Saturday! I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Lassie’s Idea of Playing Fetch

Lassie’s version of fetch is fairly simple. Not that the traditional version of fetch isn’t simple, it’s just not Lassie’s style.
His idea of fetch is, sure, I’ll go get it! I’ll even bring it back, but good luck getting it from me.

“Here Momma, throw it again!”

Here he is bringing it back and looking all sweet and like he’s just begging for you to throw it for him, aww.

“Really Momma, take it!”

I reached down to take it and he whips around and runs off with it, probably laughing at how silly and gullible his human is.

He’s just like Lucy.


The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop!

My Dog Does Yard Work

Oh Petal.
When she’s not being sweet and innocent, she’s being demanding and crazy.
But she does yard work, so I can’t complain.

You don’t believe me?
See for yourself!
My dog does yard work!

Here she is working on pulling out one of those pesky, weird stick things (hush, I don’t know what they are).

She got it!
It’s pretty much impossible to tell in this picture, but she did get the entire thing out, root and all.
Ella does this too sometimes. They pull one out, run around the yard with them, toss them aside, then start all over again. It’s like a weird little game.

Ella, however, doesn’t take her yard work as seriously as Petal does.
It’s not all just fun and games, she says.
You’ve also got to rake the yard.

It may appear that she gave up too quickly, but she was really just tired, after all, she had just finished raking the other side of the yard.
(No, not really, but wouldn’t that have been cool? She has pulled it around a lot more than she did in this video, I just unfortunately didn’t have the camera on me that time, so you’ll just have to take my word for it).

Disclaimer: Petal is not available for hire at this time.
You’ll have to get your own dog to do the yard work. ;]

The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop!